“Calling on the Ancestors”

Featured Print

The Original Quilt Image

“Calling on the Ancestors”

For centuries people have turned to their loved ones who have transitioned from this life into other realms to assist with spiritual and daily concerns. The Calling on the Ancestors quilt is representative of the practice.

A woman in a purple dress stands in the woods amongst the trees with her arms raised. She stands barefoot in the grass between two trees, her eyes closed. The sky above is clear, with a few clouds. Behind her stand, the spirits of her ancestors responding to her calls and ready to assist.

Her purple dress features intricate stitching that symbolizes the transference of energy to the earthly realm. Her hair is appliquéd and stitched to resemble natural locs. She wears embroidered earrings and a necklace made with gold thread, accented by purple iridescent beads. Behind her, lilac iridescent fabric, embroidered with purple iridescent thread, depicts ancestors emerging from the spirit realm. The grass beneath her feet is represented in two colors and stitched to mimic blades of grass. The two trees on either side are rendered in the natural hues of the woods and are stitched vertically.

The prints display the details of the stitching.


Calling on the Ancestors www.legaciarts.com

“Calling on the Ancestors”  The Derivative Images

The derivative images were created to expand the options for personal choices and offer a wider range of color schemes and aesthetics to suit individual preferences.  The original art quilt image was transformed into versions that vary in color, texture, and style. These derivative images provide a broader spectrum of artistic interpretations. This approach ensures that everyone can find a version that resonates with their taste, whether they prefer vibrant and bold colors, muted and soft tones, or anything in between. Additionally, these varied images allow for greater flexibility in incorporating the artwork into different settings and decors, enhancing its appeal and accessibility to a wider audience.

Choose a print of the original image, a derivative of the original, or both.

“Calling on the Ancestors”

Red and Gold

In this image, the woman stands gracefully in front of the spirits of her ancestors, who are depicted in vibrant shades of coral, gold, and red. The ethereal figures of the ancestors seem to surround her, their forms merging with the background in a harmonious blend of colors. With her arms outstretched and eyes closed, she appears deeply connected to the spiritual realm, embracing the energy and wisdom of those who came before her. She is dressed in a striking red dress, which flows around her, symbolizing strength, passion, and a deep connection to her heritage. The entire scene exudes a sense of reverence, unity, and the timeless bond between the woman and her ancestral spirits.



“Calling on the Ancestors”

Red and Blue

In the “Calling on the Ancestors” image, vibrant hues of red, blue, and yellow create a powerful and evocative scene. At the center stands a woman, her presence commanding and serene. She is adorned in a flowing red dress, its rich color symbolizing strength, vitality, and deep-rooted passion. Her arms are outstretched, and her eyes are closed, suggesting a meditative or prayerful state as she connects with the spiritual realm. Surrounding her are the spirits of her ancestors, depicted in ethereal forms with shimmering gold and coral tones. The ancestors appear as luminous silhouettes, their shapes fluid and almost dancing in the air, signifying their protective and guiding presence. The gold represents wisdom, divinity, and a timeless connection, while the coral adds warmth and a sense of life.



“Calling on the Ancestors”

Color Lights

In this image, the woman stands in the darkness, reaching out to her ancestors. When she called upon them, the once-dark area was filled with a warm, radiant glow of gold lights illuminating the background. These golden lights create an ethereal ambiance, highlighting the presence of the ancestral spirits. There are small speckles of color, in shades of red, green, and other vibrant hues, fill the area and surround the woman. The speckles dance in the air, adding a sense of magic and wonder to the scene, representing the diverse and multifaceted nature of the ancestral spirits, each speckle symbolizing a unique presence and piece of wisdom from her forebears.



“Calling on the Ancestors”

White and Brown

In this image, a woman stands gracefully. She wears a brown dress that grounds her in the present moment. The color brown elegantly symbolizes earthiness and a deep connection to her roots. Her presence is commanding yet serene against a stark white background. The simplicity of the white backdrop creates a striking contrast that draws attention to the woman and the ethereal presence of her ancestors. Her stance is calm and composed, her arms are outstretched above her head, and her eyes are closed, indicating a meditative or reflective state.



“Calling on the Ancestors”


In this evocative image, a woman stands against a rich brown background, which conveys a sense of earthiness, warmth, and connection to the natural world. The brown backdrop and the earth beneath her feet symbolize stability and grounding, enhancing the scene’s sense of rootedness and heritage. Surrounding her are the spirits of her ancestors, depicted in muted hues of red, blue, turquoise, and orange. These colors add a dynamic contrast to the brown background, bringing the scene to life.

The ancestral figures are portrayed with fluid, almost ethereal shapes, their forms interwoven with colorful hues. They appear to float around the woman, their presence both protective and inspiring, creating a vibrant aura that envelops her. The interplay of these bright colors against the earthy brown background and ground highlights the profound connection between the woman and her heritage. The scene is alive with the energy and wisdom of her ancestors, illustrating a timeless bond that transcends the physical world.




“Calling on the Ancestors”

Gold Lights

The interplay of lavender, purple, grey, and gold tones creates a harmonious and visually pleasing composition. The soft lavender and grey provide a tranquil, almost dreamlike setting, while the gold adds a divine and luminous quality. The woman stands with gold lights filtering down from above. This combination of colors evokes a sense of peace, introspection, and spiritual connection, making the scene feel both grounded and otherworldly. The image exudes a feeling of calm and contemplation, inviting the viewer to pause and reflect. The woman’s serene presence creates a powerful visual narrative of inner peace, grace, and spiritual harmony.
